The So-Called “Priest Shortage”

Rather than re-post the recent article from the Denver Post, I prefer these facts. Our Lady of Visitation (OLV) has enlisted four priests who would perform sacramental services for us. Yet, the Archdiocese has not approved these priests to assist with what they say is the primary issue. When a priest can be stripped of their “faculties” (i.e., their priest card) for acts of insubordination, I ask this, “Would the Archdiocese of Denver stoop so low to actually punish a priest who helps this predominately low-income, minority parish?”

Maybe Karna Swanson, the spokesperson of the AofD, could address for us this fact: OLV consumes less than 2% of masses within a 5 mile radius of our parish, “How exactly does closing this parish alleviate the priest shortage?”

Rather than place this all at the feet of the Holy Trinity pastor, who is moving on to greener (as in the color of money) pastures, maybe Archbishop Aquila could come out of hiding to answer these questions, or maybe he and Karna should consider the real reasons for the shortage…

The So-Called “Priest Shortage”